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Depending on your location, we recommend that you visit the Chinese website, which will use the Chinese display to provide you with more thoughtful service.
The products available on ComB2B.com are age-restricted and intended for adults of legal smoking age only. All orders placed on the website will be verified by an industry leading Age Verification software for validation.
By entering our website, you affirm that you are of legal smoking age in your jurisdication and you agree to be Age Verified.
Buyers and suppliers are supposed to sign an e-Contract on ComB2B.com, including product price, quantity, payment date, delivery date and delivery place.
The buyer finishes the payment to the account designated by ComB2B.com based on the e-Contract information. So far, the payment has not been released to the supplier.
The supplier initiates the advanced shipping notice (ASN) ,completes the customs declaration, and delivers the cargo to the bonded warehouse according to the e-Contract.
The buyer receives the cargo with the help of the warehouse operator entrusted by ComB2B.com according to the e-Contract and ASN.
ComB2B.com will cross check the ASN and the e-Contract information to make sure they 100% match, and then give instructions for payment release.
The bank designated by ComB2B.com releases the payment to the supplier according to the instruction. ComB2B.com generates needed custom declaration information for exchange settlement